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A Href Interactive Inc.
AboutBloomington, Indiana based web development firm
Servicesweb development, creative services, internet marketing
Our Workmore than 200 projects nationwide

A Href Interactive collaborated with Independent Limestone, one of the leading quarries in Indiana, to create a website to feature their portfolio of work and to advertise their services.


HTML/CSS, User Interface Design, Graphic Design, JavaScript, Content Strategy, CMBoss Content Management System.


  • Unique horizontal design
  • JQUery slider portfolio
  • HTML 5 Video
Independent Limestone Company
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A Href Interactive collaborated with Independent Limestone, one of the leading quarries in Indiana, to create a website to feature their portfolio of work and to advertise their services.


HTML/CSS, User Interface Design, Graphic Design, JavaScript, Content Strategy, CMBoss Content Management System.


  • Unique horizontal design
  • JQUery slider portfolio
  • HTML 5 Video
Independent Limestone Company